Saturday, August 31, 2019

George Orwell, 1984 Essay

The last and arguably most powerful book to be written by renowned novelist George Orwell (pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair), 1984 is the chronicle of mankind’s gradual decay under aggressive totalitarianism and blind ideology. The influence of the novel is such that some terms such as â€Å"Big Brother†, â€Å"doublethink† and â€Å"newspeak† have somehow found their way into the modern lexicon. Orwell visualized a world under constant war, with entire societies threatened by an omniscient government that wields control even over an individual’s very thoughts. Half a century after the book’s publication, academics and casual readers alike continue to find disturbing similarities between Orwell’s 1984 and today’s increasingly intrusive institutions. With censorship, political rhetoric and propaganda becoming more and more like the slogans of Orwell’s dystopian society each day it is unsurprising that the novels remain quite a favorite among academics and literary experts alike. Orwell’s startling depiction of a totalitarian state peddling lies and deceit to its willing masses remains relevant and – to some extent – frighteningly prophetic of the present generation. Decades after it first saw print, 1984 still achieves significant readership – a literary warning that enemies of propaganda and censorship revisit time and again as a standard through which the growing excesses in government control and power could be measured. It is the world’s worst case scenario, and its enduring social relevance is a testament to both Orwell’s literary style and deep understanding of the human psyche. This paper posits that George Orwell’s 1984 is a dystopian novel that deftly tackles the power of language and censorship in controlling both society and the individual; hence its enduring relevance to academic studies on the political and social status quo. This study shall begin with a brief summary of the novel in order to provide a narrative background. The following discussion involves three parts: first, what is the style or form of the novel, and how does it add to the novel’s appeal and narrative? Second, what are the main themes of the novel? Lastly, how do these themes – combined with the novel – remain relevant to the present times, hence its popularity with academics in the sociopolitical and literary fields? These are the questions that this study must answer in order to prove its thesis. Summary 1984 is the story of Winston Smith, a member of the Outer Party residing in what used to be London. Smith is a citizen of Oceania, one of the three superstates in the world of 1984. The protagonist lives a life of controlled existence; he works in the Ministry of Truth, rewriting news stories and editing photographs in order to make history â€Å"adhere† to the Party’s current slogan. People who went against the Party disappeared and made unpersons – there entire existence is erased by workers like Winston Smith. History, therefore, is constantly edited to fit whatever propaganda or slogan the Party is currently espousing. Though a member of the Party, Smith is far from a dedicated follower. He harbors a secret journal of illicit thoughts about freedom and woodenly participates in the Two Minutes of Hate and other standard Party propaganda activities. Smith meets and falls in love with Julia; there liaison, however, is both illicit and illegal. It is punishable by law, so Wilson and Julia find a sanctuary in a room above an old junk shop for their trysts. They are betrayed, however, and soon find themselves in the Ministry of Love where they are tortured and â€Å"reeducated†. In the end, fazed by the horrors of Room 101, Wilson and Julia succumb and betray each other. They are then released to await their execution on a later date. At the end of the novel, Wilson Smith accepts the power of Big Brother and willingly accepts his fate. Style and Form  George Orwell’s 1984, along with Ray Bradbury’s controversial Fahrenheit 451 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, is one of the world’s best-known dystopian novels. It presents a world entirely gloomy and pessimistic – the opposite of a utopia wherein everything is perfect and in its proper place. As Brunsdale (2000) points out, a dystopia is ultimately a â€Å"hopelessly wrong society† (p. 146). It is a world that has turned entirely upside down, with nearly everything completely unlike what man would envision as paradise. It is an imagined world perverted – entirely a subversion of all that society must aspire for. For George Orwell, this world is a warning, a terrible vision that could become a reality if totalitarianism and government intrusion continues unchecked. The use of a dystopian form is particularly useful in delivering Orwell’s message. A staunch critic of imperialism and other authoritarian forms such as communism and fascism, Orwell’s novel is a chilling portrait of what could happen should totalitarian politics remain unabated. His disgust with British Socialism, for example, made its way into the novel’s newspeak as Ingsoc (English Socialism). By presenting the novel in a dystopian form rather than a different kind of exposition, Orwell successfully parlays his sociopolitical ideas easily through an interesting world rather than a non-fiction tome of tedious words that may find comfort in cobwebs. A form other than dystopia would not have been able to deliver the message as effectively as 1984 has done. Central Themes But what exactly is it that 1984 wishes to convey? At first glance, it seems as if 1984 is doomed to be a dated indictment of the faults of the British Empire in 1948 – when Orwell completed the novel. In truth, however, the novel is more than the indictment of one government. It is not a scathing criticism on Stalinism, or the British Empire, or Hitler’s destroyed Third Reich alone. It is an attack against Totalitarianism in whatever form or country, as it takes root and slowly sucks the life and freedom out of the individual and society as a whole. The novel is a critique; a warning against what could happen following the unchecked growth of totalitarian governments. It is not the alliance or the nationality, therefore, that matters, but the possible presence of totalitarian rule. One crucial theme in the novel that supports its criticism of totalitarianism is the power of language. Orwell emphasized the power of language in controlling the individual’s mental freedom, particularly in terms of how much and how broad he is allowed to conceptualize. With words and language designed to limit the mind of the person, it is quite possible to exert control and slowly manipulate his or her inner thoughts. Such is the power of newspeak and doublethink – both significant concepts from the novel that gradually crossed over to the mainstream jargon. These concepts are reliant on both language and the formation of thought as the primary tools through which the Party and Big Brother carry out their manipulative plans. An example of Newspeak is the naming convention that led to the ironic names of the ministries in Orwell’s dystopian society. The Ministries are named in a weird manner quite opposite to what they truly stand for. For example, the Ministry of Love is one of the most fearsome ministries in Oceania, as this is where prisoners are brought for torture, reeducation and execution. The Ministry of Truth where Smith works is quite a paradox, as it concerns itself not with the propagation of truthful information, but with the erasure of people and events no longer in line with the present party rhetoric. The Ministry of Plenty and Ministry of Peace are similarly ironically named. Wemyss (1987) calls this use of newspeak as the attempt to â€Å"narrow the range of human consciousness by limiting the range of words available and by eliminating their polysemic quality† (p. 45). When some terms and concepts become unavailable for use or without a lingual equivalent, they become obsolete and forgotten by the mind. With the government controlling just which words to use and which ones to eliminate, the possibility of controlling the individuals and society becomes much larger. Here lies the power of language, which effectively affects how the brain processes and understands the world around him. Moreover, the concepts in Big Brother’s society are defined in a manner describable as â€Å"inverted†. A particularly significant example is the slogan â€Å"war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength† – everything in Wilson’s world is completely upside down. It is, in essence, an example of doublethink, wherein one is forced to contain two opposing thoughts at the same time and believe them both. It is an ability forced on the people of Oceania; the citizens think of war and peace as one rather than opposing sides of the coin. Even when the citizens clearly know that Oceania switches allies from Eurasia to Eastasia constantly, they are capable of manipulating their own minds into thinking that what the Party calls its â€Å"history† has always been true and in place. Another significant theme in the novel is censorship. Radio, television and print censorship is, of course, the norm in Big Brother’s world. More than the controls on media, however, the Party is also highly concerned with purity and the errors of sexual dalliances. Pornography or any form of â€Å"smut† publications are also banned in Oceania, and sexual thoughts are viewed as impurities even when conducted within the boundaries of marriage. This mirrors the penchant of totalitarian governments to extend their powers over â€Å"decency† and issues of morality. Whether or not the reason behind this is truly about cleaning up society remains a mystery. Reviews on the Novel The significance of the novel 1984 can be seen in how today’s academics remain enamored and continuously attempt to correlate the classic story of political and social manipulation to Orwell’s final masterpiece. Agathocleous (2000) took note of the relevance of the novel primarily through the proliferation of terms used in the novel in the modern jargon. The world presented by Orwell remains resonant in today’s world, wherein his ideas have become â€Å"common knowledge† (p. 101). Orwell’s 1984 is no longer just a novel; it is now a part of popular culture. This popularity, Agathocleous (2000) attributes to the the relevance of the issues discussed by Orwell even in today’s society. It is popular because it remains true and undated, thereby becoming a classic in its own right (p. 101). For Wanner (1997), on the other hand, notes that Orwell’s dystopian world is completely different from other portrayals of such negative societies. Unlike other dystopian nations, Orwell’s Oceania has resigned itself to imperfection and unhappiness without actually admitting it. Though the government may still tout this perfect world as their own, Orwell shows the characters to be living in a difficult world, one wherein pretenses are kept up in order to survive the constant watch of Big Brother. This world is described as hopeless, and it is accurate. Rather than follow other similar styles, Orwell opts to present a realistic view of his world and the negativity that sucks everything within its path (p. 77). Wanner (1997) also notes that Orwell is not entirely separate from socialism. Though the author does indict British socialism and other similar forms of totalitarianism, the presence of Goldstein, according to Wanner, shows that Orwell is still ambivalent regarding the best way to run a society. Even Goldstein, the supposed leader of the opposition, is not a figure against socialism. Wanner thus views this as a softening on Orwell’s part, noting that his message may not entirely be the indictment of all socialism (p. 77). Lastly, the concept of Orwellian language and politics have slowly caught up with the United States, thanks in no small part to the current administration. In his journal article, Kellner (2007) argues that Orwell’s world has remained enduring over the years because of its relevance. As such, Kellner easily correlates the â€Å"War on Terror† and the rhetoric that appears in Oceania as the modern equivalent of Orwell’s world (p. 622). These are some of the reviews that describe the relevance and endurance of the novel, 1984. It utilizes the dystopian model, with sensational usage of the power of language and new terms, in order to correlate Orwell’s fictional world with the present situation.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Nature of Accounting and the Accounting Standard

Nature of Accounting and the Accounting Standard Background Accounting is an important part for business and it is dubbed â€Å"language† of business activities conducted by firms. People think it is used to communicate business transactions per se to all stakeholders. However, some people argue that the functions of accounting are not that easy. Except the communication tool, accounting acts as many other difference roles in business. When doing accounting, different standard may be used. There are many issues about accounting standard nowadays.To getting a subjective view of accounting, it is necessary to understand how accounting is worked. This essay will analyze the application of accounting in the various situations to reach a conclusion. It will give some perspective for accounting also. Firm as an accounting object As we know, accounting was widely used in the firm. In accounting, firm means some business entity aiming at earning economic profit. In general, there are three types of firms: proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Firms are classified by the types of ownership, limitation of liability and so on.According to Scott Besley (2007), a proprietorship and partnership is an unincorporated business. Proprietorship firm owned by one individual while partnership owned by two or more people. A corporation is â€Å"a legal entity by a state†. The owners and managers may not be the same person. Corporation have unlimited life and enjoin limited liability. Owners have no responsibility for liabilities of the corporation. However, for proprietorship and partnership, owners must payback all liability of creditor. Although there are various classifications for firm, its object is quite same.The general object of a commerce firm is earning profit. However, firms cannot just focus on the financial income. There are many other aspects must consider. The firm which is just care about financial achievement will suffer form ethic dilemma. Dobs on (1997) defined the behavior that firm just consider about self-interest individualistic and opportunistic as â€Å"finance paradigm†. He criticized that it would cause another lost for people. To be an ethic firm, it should select object carefully to maximize the benefit for all relevant people.Rather than running business individually, people do commerce via firm. Firms exist because it can provide a more efficiency operation environment for people. However, even if firms can offer a better way for people doing business, we shouldn’t ignore the troubles arising from it. Accounting and transaction Transaction plays a special role in firm’s daily operation. In general meaning, transaction is exchange of goods or services between entities, as well as other events that have an economic impact on a business.It is a business’s economic record by accounting (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2011). It should be clarify that not all events generated in business proc ess can be record. Accounting must considers about what transaction should record and how it is record. There are two major assumptions about whether transaction should be record. The first one is monetary unit assumption. In accounting, we just record the transaction data which can be express in money term (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2011). Another assumption is economic entity assumption.Accountant must just account the transaction relevant to certain firm. The active of its owner or other economic entity should not be record in the firm’s account (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2011). In addition, such action must affect the component of accounting equation dually. That means it should affect assts, liability or equity. Measurement method in accounting As it mentioned before, the major object of account is identify, record and communicate the transaction. In real life, the environment for accounting is changing continuously.So, accountant should know how to record and measure transaction properly. To facing price changing, there are two major approaches to record and measure transaction: historical cost principle and fair value principle. When using historical cost principle, companies record assets as its cost (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2011). That means if the value of goods in such transaction is changing, it will keep the original record of such goods. However, we should update the record of assets value according to the market price in fair value principle.When managers decide which standard should be used, there are various factors need to be consider. Inflation is necessary for measurement method decision. Alhashim & Arpan (1992) claimed that when price is stable, the historical cost principle could provide an objective view for company’s performance. Managers may prefer this method to measure transaction. However, study also show that when it is high inflation, using historical cost principle will provide some useless information. If the price is changing frequently, the historical cost principle will not suitable.For example, in British, because it was suffer from high inflation rate in the history, the accounting standard in this country select fair-value principle. (Alhashim & Arpan, 1992) Cost measurement is an important part in accounting. Since the component of cost for business is complex, it will select material cost for example. There are two common principles for material cost evaluation. One is average value method, another is FIFO method. Company’s objective should be considered when choosing those approaches of cost measurement.When using average cost method, company’s income statement will show lower income so that company will enjoin lower tax. However, when firm choosing FIFO method, they will pay higher tax because of the high income present by income statement. When company wants to reduce tax cost, they may choose average cost method. Otherwise, they will choose FIFO method to attrac t investment by showing well performance. Except form pervious example discussed, there are many other factors could affect the measurement method.For example, David Solomons (1970) think that feasibility like objective, low cost of implementation and ease of understanding for users will affect the judgment for measurement method. In different condition, managers will choose different principle. So, it is difficult to say which principle is better. Conclusion By analyze relevant item of accounting, the perspective of accounting is more clearly now. Transaction is a vital component of accounting and there are various principles about it. However, accounting is related to other aspects also. Merely defined accounting as analyzing transaction per se is not false but not objectively.Communication is also a vital part of account. It is properly to descript accounting as a â€Å"language† of business. As mention before, there are many communicating methods and standards for account ing. Different regions may have different accounting â€Å"language† (Alhashim & Arpan, 1992). It is a challenge for current international company. To solve this problem, it is necessary to build and spread a unified standard for international accounting right now. Reference Alhashim, D. D. , & Arpan, J. S. (1992). International dimensions of accounting. Boston: PWS-KENT publishing company.Dobson, J. (1997). Finance ethics: the rationality of virtue. Cummor Hill, Oxford OX2 9JJ, England: Lanham [u. a. ] : Rowman & Littlefield. Scott Besley, E. F. (2007). Essentials of Managerial Finance. Natorp Boulevasr, Mason OH: South Westren College. Solomons, D. (1970). Assets valuation and income determination: appraising the alternative. In R. R. Sterling, Assets valuation and income determination (p. 105). 4431 Mt. Vernon, Houston, Texas: Scholar Book Co. Weygandt, J. J. , Kimmel, P. D. , & Kieso, D. E. (2011). Financial Accounting. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Generic Drug Profile : Salbutamol Generic Drug Profile - Salbutamol

New Zealand trade names: Ventolin, Respigen, Salamol, Asthalin, Salapin and Broncolin. Drug Class: Therapeutic class: bronchodilator. Pharmacologic class: sympathomimetic (stimulates the sympathetic nervous system). It is also classified as a SABA (short acting ÃŽ ²2-agonist). Formulations: The most common administration is by inhalation of a pressurised metered dose aerosol. Inhalation of Salbutamol directly reaches the lungs and acts rapidly with fewer side effects, but only 10-25% is actively absorbed as the remainder is swallowed (Orion Phama, 2015). Oral administrations by tablet and syrup forms are used by patients who can’t manage the inhaled route. Salbutamol has a lower onset of action via the oral route and 50% of the dosage is absorbed from the intestinal tract (Salbutamol, 2014). Salbutamol can also be given intravenously for severe or life threatening asthma. It may also be given by intramuscular injection. Patients are best treated with single-ingredient ÃŽ ²2-agonist preparations so dose adjustment is simple (NZ Formularya, 2015). Indications: Salbutamol is a ÃŽ ²2-agonist which causes bronchodilation by relaxing smooth muscles on the bronchiole. It is a reliever of bronchospasms in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) and emphysema. It provides short acting but instant bronchodilation to reverse airways obstruction. Inhalation of Salbutamol has an onset period of 5-15 minutes and lasts for 2-5 hours. Salbutamol isIs the Illegalization of Marijuana Valid? Is The Illegalization of Marijuana Valid? The debate over the legalization of Cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has been one of the most heated controversies ever to occur in the United States. Its use as a medicine has existed for thousands of years in many countries world wide and is documented as far back as 2700 BC in ancient Chinese writings. When someone says ganja, cannabis, bung, dope, grass, rasta, or weed, they are talking about the same subject: marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized because the government could earn money from taxes on its sale, its value to the medical world outweighs its abuse potential, and because of its importance to the paper and clothing industries. This action should be taken The first step in Martin Luther King Jr.’s nonviolent campaign is collection of facts to determine whether injustices are alive, which is what Antigone does when hearing about the death of both of her brothers. What! Has not Creon to the tomb preferred One of our brothers, and with contumely Withheld it from the other? Eteocles Duly, they say, even as by law was due, He hid beneath the earth, rendering him honour Among the dead below; but the dead body Of Polynices, miserably slain, They say it has been given out publicly None may bewail, none bury, all must leave Unwept, unsepulchred, a dainty prize For fowl that watch, gloating upon their prey! This is the matter he has proclaimed – Excellent Creon! (Sophocles 2). Antigone is talking to Ismene and telling her all she has heard about the injustice that she has heard that Creon has created. She is very frustrated and wants only to bury her brother so he may have a peaceful afterlife and not go to the underworld or be stuck in purgatory. Creon’s edict stating Polynices cannot be buried under any circumstances is harsh because Creon most likely would have revolted against his brother if he was banish from Thebes just so he wouldn’t have to share the throne. After Antigone gathers upThe Country Of Brazil : Brazil Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and the largest in Latin America. Its limits are: To the north, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana; to the south, Uruguay, Argentina, and Paraguay; To the east, the Atlantic Ocean; And to the west, Peru and Bolivia. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. Brazil occupies almost half of the South American territory. Brazil has borders with all South American co untries except Chile and Ecuador. The most important cities in Brazil are Sà £o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. ( Landforms of Brazil Brazil is divided into five primary geographic areas: The Southern Highlands, the Norther Guiana, Brazilian Highlands central and east, the massive Amazon River Basin, Pantanal wetland areas of the southwest. Guiana Highlands The Guiana Highlands composed mainly of flat-topped mountains extending in a roughly east-to-west direction across the north of the country. Guiana has approximately a territorial extension of 214,970 square kilometers. They are home to Brazil 's highest point. The Guiana Highlands feature plunging waterfalls and deep waterfalls. Amazon Basin To the south of the Guiana Highlands lie the lowlands of the Amazon Basin. The Amazon Basin covers an area of 6,122,726 km ², and covers lands in several countries of South America: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and Bolivia. Brazil is the one that has more extension in the Amazon Basin. The largest tropical rainforest

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Romantics and Transcendentalists Research Paper

Romantics and Transcendentalists - Research Paper Example According to Emersion Waldo’s Nature (1836), â€Å"the movement of Transcendentalist was a vast and diverse phenomenon where by the representatives, in many voices, addressed themselves from various perspectives to significant concerns agitating thought in the decades that preceded the Civil War and the New England life†. The author used his characters and themes to inform the New England transcendentalism. In commenting against the values and tenets of the Age of Enlightenment, the authors exemplify commitment to the idealism of philosophy. This, in the view of diversity, may however seem hazardous to claim the values and tenets of the Age of Enlightenment as a central argument to the Transcendentalist movement. The authors also comment against the values and tenets of the Age of Enlightenment using their themes, that man and nature is one, and that God and nature need to coexist, and that when a man simplifies his life and lives with nature as one, he would be peacefu l with himself and the world. This is a much more view of nature in practice. All these aspects and voices of Romanticism from the authors contribute to the development of a vigorous thought nationally. The impulse of Romanticism and Transcendentalism played a primary role in the mid 19th century. Through the themes and characters in the works of these Romanticism and Transcendentalist authors, they have vastly commented against the values and tenets of the Age of Enlightenmen

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF GREEN CONCRETE AS A BUILDING MATERIAL - Essay Example Green construction looks to balance resource efficiency, social and health issues all through the life cycle of a structure. Among them, green concrete many benefits that help in achieving this objective. This article offers an overview of the contemporary state of green concrete, which have reduced ecological impact. It is also stressed here that the use of green concrete has low energy cost, lower green house gas emissions, as well as low maintenance cost, which, in the long run, leads to sustainable construction materials. In addition, in terms of resource preservation, reuse of industrial byproducts and post-consumer wastes used as a partial replacement for Portland cement clinker, makes green concrete much more durable and eco-friendly. The overall change in the economic landscape and resource utilization factors is at the forefront of many green building movements. The research broadly focuses on the benefits of green concrete in achieving the sustainable and environment friendly construction goal. In regard to the use of concrete in construction, a number of questions arise; would the green concrete alleviate environmental pollution caused by the normal cement? Might there be any compromise in the quality and sustainability of green concrete structure? What are other social and economic contributions of green concrete relevant to the bodies advocating the green concrete? The buildings we reside in have an overreaching effect on our environment. Green building, otherwise referred to as sustainability, seeks to balance health, resource efficiency, as well as social concerns, all through the life cycle of a structure (Penttala 2004, p. 409). Green concrete has a couple of benefits to present in attaining this objective. Cement is a gray powder, which, when added to water, binds stone and sand together to produce concrete. Concrete is the worlds number one building material because of its durability and strength (Hendriks

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Strategic Management - Essay Example Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation is a company that is leading globally in manufacturing and sales, in the automobile industry. Its main aim is to make better cars and be able to contribute to the society at large. Toyota Motor Corporations is committed to considering the customer first by manufacturing vehicles that are of high quality and those that are of affordable price (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2009). Toyota Motor Corporations believe in a bigger and brighter automobile future. Their main objective is to try and understand the customers’ needs and be able to provide services and products according to these desires. Therefore, Toyota motor corporations is endeavored to pursue the right way forward, to be able to further their growth and make each stakeholder happy and satisfied(Toyota Motors Corporation, 2009). Internal analysis and SWOT Toyota Motor Corporation is termed as the largest manufacturing company of cars by production and sales in the automobi le industry (Schmitt, 2010). It is also the largest manufacturing company in the US, and it is currently operating under five principles, which include; challenge, Kaizen, GenchiGenbutsu, respect, and teamwork (Toyota way, 2001). Despite all these, the Toyota Corporation is faced with strengths, weaknesses, threats, and tries to create opportunities to better their company, like any other in the world. Some of the strengths in the motor corporation include; being able to develop vehicles through innovative technology, and this has been achieved through putting more emphasis on the technological development, healthy corporate environment in which people are able to work and be taught at the same time. This is generalized as working together (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2009). Another strength, is that of tight integration of its group companies and this has helped them to contribute a lot on the economic growth of the nation, and are able to be the pioneers of the creation of a domesti c automobile industry, they are also able to penetrate through the well-known markets including; (Japan, north America and US) (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2009). Apart from the strengths, Toyota Motor Corporation is experiencing some weaknesses within its industry and these include; criticism over large scale recall in 2005, the company was blamed for producing low quality products that lacked innovations. This criticism encouraged them to focus more on designing more innovative cars so as to cater for the customers’ needs. They have gone ahead to make the latest models of primus and hybrid cars, keeping in mind the customers’ satisfaction (Takahashi, 2010). According to Armstrong and Kotler (2002), to be able to manufacture products that are of high quality with stable prices without putting pressure on the competitors will earn the company, a customer’s loyalty, and this is evident in Toyota Motor Corporation. Toyota Motor Corporation is also faced with the wea kness of foreign importation by the Japanese industry, and the company has strived to conquer this problem by producing low priced products in exchange of high quality products (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2009). Toyota Motor Corporation is also faced with the problem of global inefficiency; this means that it is only offering its brands to Japan and US while other competitors offer their brands globally. Therefore, to be able to curb this problem the Toyota Motor Corpo

Sunday, August 25, 2019

About the role of Quantitative Easing in helping the UK out of the Essay

About the role of Quantitative Easing in helping the UK out of the slum - Essay Example The conditions following the financial collapse were by no means normal, however, and the Bank of England had to innovate. As conventional monetary tools became virtually ineffectual, the BOE started pursuing Quantitative Easing (QE) monetary regime. Joyce et al. (2011) defines QE as a government’s policy of expanding the central banks balance sheet with an objective of increasing the level of central bank’s reserves. The main purpose of the BOE in introducing the program was to expand the balance sheet. QE policy includes purchasing of assets from the financial market with an objective of imparting additional liquidity. Secondly, it seeks to affect the term structure of interest rates by influencing markets expectations on future interest rates. BOE’s decision to open asset purchase window marked the transition of BOE policies from a conventional regime to an unconventional QE regime. In early 2009, the Bank of England (BoE) introduced a large-scale asset purchase (LSAP) programme called quantitative easing (QE). When the intensity of global financial crisis was high following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, most governments and central banks around the globe introduced a variety of ways meant at stabilising financial conditions and supporting aggregate demand (Joyce et al., 2011). The main focus of BOE was to purchase large amounts of UK government bonds (gilts) from non-financial institutions. The BOE finished the LSAP program in early 2010, but it restarted it in October 2011. The main intention of the BOE in engaging in QE program was to boost liquidity in UK financial markets and help in restoring stability in credit and bond markets. The BOE was responding to continued deterioration in world economic growth, excessive market volatility and persistent problems in international credit markets. In response, the BOE revised the official bank rate to th e downside and reduced them by 0.5% to 1.5% in January 2009, prior to the introduction of

Do I look like Public Enemy Number One(can change) Essay

Do I look like Public Enemy Number One(can change) - Essay Example Is it really true that religious identity of a person itself can be their enemy? It is a known fact that terrorism has aroused much anger and rage among U.S public regarding the evil objective of Arab Muslims. As per (Danios) â€Å"If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: â€Å"Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims†. But targeting innocent lives like the author Ali is not agreeable. The author here is questioning her character and responsibility as an American and is enquiring to the world as to whether be she a culprit to America for just being an Arab and Muslim. The author here is confessing about the helplessness she experience towards her religion and ethnic background and the biased outlook of Americans which changed her respect for herself. The author in dilemma does not understand what to expect from self and the public. The religion does mold a person but it cannot alter the nature of one’s soul and heart. Ali is half Muslim but does that make her terrorist? Terrorism is a sect who is fanatics and radicals and they are cultured with a religious and political motive. Every Muslim like Ali cannot be tagged as a terrorist and savaged throughout life as it is ignorance, humiliation and prejudism.Human values are conditioned and Ali is a woman who has American values as she grew up in a liberal atmosphere. Public needs to be more vigilant while considering the personal values and ethics before criticizing or suppressing a person based on ethnicity and religion. The article is all about the mentality and attitude of Americans who are racist and prejudiced and who is living in fear of terrorism. The article reflects the life of innocent Muslim population who has to undergo the traumatic reaction of atrocities of terrorist, who are selfish and negligent. According to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Legalization of marijuna Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legalization of marijuna - Essay Example A professor of economics at California State University suggests that the legalization of marijuana would have considerable positive economic consequences. The taxation and regulation processes involved with decriminalization would provide the federal government with $6.2 billion worth of tax revenues (Grammy 2). When adjusting for inflation, this total increases to over $8 billion (Grammy 2). For just one state, California, legalization is estimated to be an opportunity to produce an additional $151.8 million (Grammy 2). Another economist significantly inflates the aforementioned projections, suggesting that in California alone, legalization would provide the state with between $1.5 billion and $4 billion of new tax revenues (Wolff 2). These are significant improvements in the strength of state level economies which, under current prohibitive economic environments, are not achievable through any reputable taxation program. Additionally, marijuana prohibition under the current nation al drug enforcement policy is considerably expensive. In Alaska, these costs total $24 million (Bates v). None of these costs have been able to be compensated for with grants or imposed fines associated with marijuana consumption. A professor of economics at Boston University estimates that in Massachusetts, the costs of enforcement equal $120.6 million (Miron 1). The state-level expenditures for enforcing marijuana prohibition are paid by taxpayers, which represents a burden for hard-working Americans that must service enforcement programs whether or not they agree with the policies. These are significant state-level costs that could easily be avoided by legalizing the substance. Furthermore, the criminal justice system is fraught with problems associated with prison over-crowding, which also imposes costs on society and state/local budgets. Many local jails and prisons are at maximum capacity, continuing to be a problem as non-violent offenders arrested for marijuana production an d consumption contributes to this problem. The estimated costs of police protection under the prohibitive policies are $2.55 billion annually (Grammy 2). Judicial and legal costs under this policy are estimated at $7.76 billion annually (Grammy 2). Furthermore, the total cost of national corrections is projected to be $776.2 million (Grammy 2). These are rather outrageous costs that are imposed that could be better allocated to more socially-centric programs such as violent offender rehabilitation or other preventative programs that would provide better protections to society against violence. Taxpayers should not be financially supporting these inflated and rather ridiculous costs that are incurred for a policy that is largely ineffective. The White House, however, is a stoic opponent of legalizing marijuana, despite the aforementioned financial gains that could be incurred through legalization. The Office of the President believes that legalization would do little to prevent furth er drug violence. The White House is firm that members of drug cartels would simply attempt to create an undercutting pricing structure to ensure they maintained their long-standing market share on marijuana sales (ONDCP 3). Drug cartels are usually involved in violent behavior and, under the White House’

Friday, August 23, 2019

About Poletical Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

About Poletical Science - Essay Example aper is to analyze the content of the APSA website to, firstly, understand how well the Association uses the Internet as a medium of information dissemination and, secondly, to ascertain how well it informs a wider audience on specific aspects of political science and political scientists. The APSA website is organized into areas where access is free and others where access is limited. The free areas contain a plethora of general information about political science, including separate sections on resources for teachers and students (albeit more for graduate students than others), information about awards and grants, the various APSA initiatives, job listings, and a chronological list of upcoming conferences in the discipline. The most useful aspect of this last section is that the call dates for paper or proposal submission at these conferences are also mentioned, informing all interested parties about deadlines. Registered users of the website may access the limited areas, the availability of which depends upon their type of registration. The free online registration allows one to submit proposals to the APSA annual meetings and register for the same. This facility also makes it possible to post rà ©sumà ©s on the website, while responding to job opportunities and listing vacancies. Registered users also enjoy the benefit of having access to an archive of past APSA conference papers. For access to more academic material, such as the digital versions of the three APSA journals – American Political Science Review, Perspectives on Politics, PS: Political Science and Politics – and the ability to apply for travel grants to the annual meetings, one needs to pay an amount commensurate with one’s income. In fact, the Association even has special membership schemes for students, those currently unemployed, and prospective members from the developing world. Overall, the APSA website uses the Internet as a tool for communication and dissemination quite well. The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Higher education Essay Example for Free

Higher education Essay English 10/29/13 Education has become a tremendous topic over the past several years and many people have come up with different philosophies on how to improve it. In â€Å"The Vision of Education Reform in the United States Remarks to UNESCO† by Arne Duncan and â€Å"Changing Paradigms† by Ken Robinson both have similar and different philosophies on education. Arne Duncan compares America to other nations, and Ken Robinson talks about the problems with our current day educational system. In the â€Å"The Vision of Education Reform in the United States Remarks to UNESCO† Arne Duncan addresses America as a whole. America is behind other nations in terms of educational success. There is a gap because one quarter of high school students drop out or fail to graduate on time, also 1 million students leave for the streets every year this is socially and economically unacceptable, and with the opportunity to acquire a good job without a high school or college diploma diminishing it is getting harder and harder to live without a proper education. Duncan also states that America needs to increase economic and educational competitiveness. The demand for educated workers has skyrocketed over the last decade and the United States simply can’t keep up with other nations. Americans have been introduced with new difficulties, now that Americans not only have to compete with fellow Americans but now with citizens from other nations. The most significant theory that Duncan presents is the idea that America needs to collaborate more with other nations. Collaboration is a necessity if America wants to accomplish our major goals like curing cancer, stopping world hunger, and obtaining world peace. Unfortunately America is not currently at a level in which it can keep up with other nations. To achieve such a level of educational success it is extremely important, America needs to improve upon STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, And Math) subjects. America has the tools to accomplish these goals. This was proven when a study showed that â€Å"foreign-born students were earning masters and doctorates in science and engineering fields, now nearly half of America’s PhD scientists and engineers are immigrants even though they only take up 12% of America’s workforce overall. Although† The foreign-born immigrants usually return back to their home country with the skills they learned in America. Strengthening Americas rank in educational attainment to its former position is presidents Obama’s goal by 2020. It is immensely important that America strengthens its educational system not only to its benefit but for the benefit of nations all-around the globe. Arne Duncan identifies what America must do to progress on, an international standpoint; While Ken Robinson focuses mostly on improving America at home. In Ken Robinson’s â€Å"Changing Paradigms† he discusses what the United States government should do to improve schools in various ways. Ken Robinson discusses the lack of use of technology in schools. While students are stimulated outside of school with smart phones, computers, TVs, and tablets, when they come to school they are bored because they do not have that stimulation. This lack of stimulation can cause problems for students. Ken Robinson addresses one of these problems as ADHD. Robinson thinks ADHD is a â€Å"false epidemic†. He justifies his statement by blaming the lack of technology in schools. He believes that the high use of technology outside of school and the lack of it in school are causing the students to become bored, so they will try to stimulate themselves which is being diagnosed as ADHD. Ken Robinson in away wants our educational system to be revamped, such as he wants the way children are grouped to be change from age to ability. He also desires more in class collaboration like in a real workplace. He also wishes for the added use of technology in schools. Ken Robinson has a very agreeable philosophy on how education should be, however he fails to elaborate on how these changes should take place. Arne Duncan and Ken Robinson have very interesting philosophies on education but each focus on different parts of it. Duncan focuses on international success and on higher level education, while Robinson has a more local standpoint and is more K-12 based. Arne Duncan believes that America’s main priority should be to lead the world in educational success. Ken Robinson believes that the government should work on advancing schools technologically and changing education to better fit the students. America needs step up and step up fast both internationally and locally. By 2020 the president of the United States goal is for America to lead the world in college attainment America also needs to increase technology in schools.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

International marketing management

International marketing management Understanding the culture in a country or region in which we are doing business is a critical skill for the international business person. Without this knowledge, a successful outcome to the business venture can be in jeopardy. Culture is the quality in a person or society is regard to excellent in art, manners etc. Definition of culture: culture is the identity of a nation; culture is the achievement deposit of general knowledge, religion, hierarchies, belief, values, and experience by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. Culture is a perception. Its not something that physically touched or seen. Culture is the environment and relation between one with other. Culture is communication and communication is culture. Different culture: we can describe the culture differentiation by related cultures, Psychology and culture. Culture differences vary on people behaviour, attitude, religion and experience. Related culture refers to that different nation management based on its cultural attitude; Cultural system makes management its own differentiation between others. Psychology and culture is the behaviour or thinking differences between others, for example, village cultural people normally their profession is farming and when they try to do any business or something their thinking starts from farming that how to grow more crops because its their main profession culture and the other hand the people who buy the crops they will try to improved the business and their thinking will get more crops in cheap price or they can sell that in high price in the market. Culture and business behaviour, Business policy or style are based on culture, business works run their own cultural way. Without the cultural attitude a good business run is impossible. In different culture business behaviour is vary on its cultural attitude. How the affect of culture on marketing policy: differences of culture is important to know for a multinational firms, its provide the knowledge of innovation and the policy of marketing. Marketing based on cultural equality with the good quality of brand that can fulfil the cultural demand, cultural needs its important to know for marketing without gaining the knowledge marketing will unimpeachable. The brand loyalty is important for marketing if brand loyalty does not stay longer the marketing will unaffectable. High quality of brand is the key of marketing and culture helps to learn to take brand on the desire position. Brand loyalty reflects its cultural differentional value. Cultural knowledge helps marketing to get the relation with the consumer. Consumer satisfaction is the important part of marketing by providing good brand and keeping brand loyalty is the result of customer in return. In different culture there is different way of marketing in western marketing like such as l eafleting, advertising etc. Marketing is important to keep the customer informed about the new brand and upgrading quality and also new offers that helps to keep the relation with the customer. Good marketing is also the key of good business. According to Nakata and Sivakumar (2001) suggest that the implement of marketing concepts can be expressed in the generation, dissemination, and national culture. International marketing affect on culture: culture nature assess to managers is essential for international market. We explain the affectedness in eight categories is below. Language is very important for communication and communication is the important part for marketing. In global marketing the languages may vary use difference languages. In marketing it is very important to make customer understand that what the product we are trying to sell. In this case language is very important, customer will not talk on my language, I have to talk on customer language to explain them the features of the product. Religion is another nature of culture. Organization needs to make sure that the products and services are not unlawful; distasteful to local nation otherwise it will lose its market position and the demand. For an example, In Arabic countries if we try to marketing wine, beer or any kind of alcohol, the market value will very poor and it might get the cultural reaction. Religion is people believed, that people respect and no one wants to go beyond their religion. So in international marketing a marketer must have to be careful about the religion on his marketing process. Values and attitude vary between nations, so before to take a product to other culture or nation we have make sure that it does not make affect on their tradition and dignity. For example in china Nike TV was manufactured by US was banned because to advertise the TV they animated a cartoon of kung fu masters and dragons and Chinese people didnt except that because they thought it was insult on their nation dignity. Education in international market will vary. In international marketing is important to know the nations education level and the percentiles of educated people. Where the literacy level is low there advertising on the news paper or on magazine will not that affect able. To marketing on that nations radio or TV advertising will be much affect able. Media plays an important role on this ground and in high literacy culture newspaper or paper leaflet plays royal role. Social organizations are how a nation is organized. For example, whats the position of women in this society, how is the country governed or civilized. Technology and Material Culture are also important for international Marketing. The value and the power are use for the product that must be affordable, using developed technology the cost can be reduce and also the quality can improved. The product or service has to be in low cost that all classes people are able to buy that. Law and politics will vary in different nations. For an example, in some countries the society based on democratic marketing and on the other hand in Arabic country the marketing is based on Islam and shariah tradition. A marketer has to follow the law and politics to be the gainer or otherwise it will lose its interest. Aesthetics will vary in our sense, taste etc. For example, if something taste good or smell feels good or looks beautiful consumer will go for it again, but all the feature of the product must have to be good, if the one good and not the other it will not be success. International marketer is usually known to do marketing in more than one country. Now a days international marketer plays a important role in the globalization market and better marketing makes better demand. Marketing plays an important role in business and a marketer plays the lead role on this position and thats why experienced and knowledgeable marketer is demandable in the global market. Marketers use different techniques, different policy to get the brand in demandable stage in the market. According to Robert Guang Tian â€Å"It is important for the marketers know that there is no room for ethnocentrism in the 21st Century marketing practice.† Marketers will need to know how to translate an understanding of cultural differences into effective cross-cultural marketing strategies turning them into a direct plan of action. Cultural illusion is natural but to avoid the illusion a marketer must have to be experienced and knowledge about the culture differences. Illusion process in marketing: We can say a better marketing increased the product demand. As we know culture is the identity of a nation and marketing success is based on this identity. Global market has global nature. For an example, if we do marketing for wine in Arabic country it will not worked because all kind of alcohol is forbidden there because of those country are based on their religion Islam. Similarly if we think about marketing of any brand of cloths it also vary on different culture, different cultural people wear their traditional cloths like most of Asian women they would like to wear sharies rather than skirt or other dresses because of its their culture and they feel comfortable by wearing this on the other hand most of the western women even dont know how to wear a sharee they feel more comfortable by wearing jeans, skirt etc because of their culture. Global environment is global trade culture and organization has been trading with each other for centuries and thi s trade without marketing is unthinkable. How illusion creates on marketer: A marketer must focus on getting attention of customer because marketing is for customer without customer there is no marketing. Customers good relationship and keep them return is the marketer responsibility. Marketer have to make the customer understand that the features of the product, advantage and what the specialty on the product that helps the customer to buy the product but have to be able to reduce cost on customer demand -sometimes some of the environmentally preferred materials are more expensive but the firm have to finding ways through scaling the usage of some of these materials to reduce the cost and save money. Every decision start with a problem, a discrepancy between an existing and a desired condition and a smart marketer should know how to treat with those situations. Cultures are not converging. The prediction of a convergence of culturally different markets into a â€Å"one-world† culture that would facilitate standardization of global marketing activities has turned out to be an illusion. Culture does not support for marketing, the marketer have to do the marketing as the environment nature is. To marketing in a different culture a marketer must know the currency, the way of business, customer demand, how to keep the customer satisfaction, how developed service will better for this new environment, whats the different and special feature need to put on the product or services to make differences between others. A marketer has to be careful about customer demand and also the product quality because once it lost the customer demand and satisfaction; the product will be out market. Marketer has to gain customer trust by providing good quality. Cultural differences make marketer to take different strategy or policy. A smart marketer got thei r own policy or strategy to face the different culture. For an example, Recently Nike demands new rules on valuing business, the global chief executive of Nike, one of the most powerful retail brands in the world, has said that companies will have to find more sophisticated ways of judging value and impact on the environment if they are to resist being pushed around by short-term investors seeking a quick profit. The big challenges are twofold. First, moving more Nike business in to direct retail to the customer rather than wholesale supply. Second, tackling shareholder short-termism, which drive a focus on profit margins and bottom lines to the detriment of other considerations of social value post the 2008 crash. People prefer local brands. Typically home product and service is more affect able to the consumer than the foreign product. So some smart marketer does much advertizing and marketing about their product to get their local consumer keep in touch. Local brand is more cheap and reachable for the customer. For an example, Asian countries are famous for spices because of their weather support their cultivation thats why the spices so cheap and consumer reachable but in western countries the weather is not good enough for their cultivation, so most of the spices the import from other counties and this is expensive than the Asian countries and they are capable or expert to use the spices. Accordingly, not only does culture influence marketing; but marketing also influences culture. Marketers can act as agents of changes within a culture. For an example, Wang cares an American computer company was refused in united Kingdom to use their motto because of its name is sound too close of the word ‘wankers which is not good for a company image. A company name and product quality is the key of consumer response. Good quality always gets good response and off course to get the good response marketer plays an important role in marketing but marketer must have to respect the culture or the tradition and laws, without obeying that marketer will not get any space in the market so each marketer have to follow the rules of culture. To marketing a product in to a different culture marketer have to identify the needs of the culture, for an example, In Rajasthan is the one part of India which is full of desert most of the time the land is dry but if we think to marketing their for Umbrella or winter cloths like jacket the marketing will not that much profitable because this nature does not need this product. Marketing research method also creates illusion on marketer. A marketer has to research on the nations marketing strategy; marketing strategy will vary in different nations. Conclusion: In my point of view everyone like their products from their own perspective but the marketer have to make consumer understand how is the product and it going to be useful for them or not and a marketer have to be much smart to face all kind of situation.. So international marketing is very important for the global trade and to achieve the goal international marketing have the culture. Reference: 1. Chris Phillips, Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe, 1994, International marketing strategy: analysis, development, and implementation, p-90, published by routledge. 2. Retrieved 12th February 2010 from: 3. Retrieved 16th February 2010 from: 4. Retrieved 22th February 2010 from: Defining Cross-Cultural Marketing 5. Stanley J. Paliwoda, John K. Ryans, 2008, International marketing, p-582, published by Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Bibliography: 1. Andrew Bard Schmookler, 2003, The illusion of choice: how the market economy shapes our destiny, published by state University of New York.. 2. George Silverman, The secret of word-of-mouth marketing: how to trigger exponential sales, 2001, Published by AMA publication. 3. Hans Muhlbacher, Helmuth Leihs, Lee Dahringer, 2006, International marketing: a global perspective, 3rd ed, published by Thomson learning. 4. Prof Jean-Claude Usunier and Julie Lee, 2005, Marketing across culture, 4th ed, published by Prentice Hall 5. Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Veronica Wong, John Saunders, 2008, Principles of marketing, 5th European ed, published by Pearson Education Limited. 6. Robert Guang Tian, Ph. D, Associate Professor of Business Administration [access 8th February 2010]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Language And Society Today

Language And Society Today In any scientific study there are some views and ideas which possess different or similar forms about a particular phenomenon. Linguistics which is known as the scientific study of language is not exception. First of all, if we start with the phrase (the study of language) we will find that it is very important in this discussion to analyze what this phrase mean. Particularly, by dividing it into two words the study and the language. We will find that language according to Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (2008) means a system of communication consisting of sounds, words and grammar, or the system of communication used by a particular country or profession. While the study means the examination of subject in detail in order to discover new information. Subsequently, it could be said that the study of language is considered as a wide subject related to different aspects amongst is the social context which also can be divided into two words social which means activities in which you meet and spend time with other people and context which is defined as the text or speech that comes immediately before and after a particular phrase or piece of text and helps to explain its meaning. Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (2008). Hence, there seems a relationship between the study of language and the social context according to the view of some writers in linguistics domain. This view is that the study of language can not be divorced or separated from its social context. On the other side, some writers tend to be against this view. It seems, therefore, that the argument about the study of language can not be divorced from its social context tends to be a controversial issue. This essay will shed light on this argument by discussing this view on one hand and the other view on the other hand. Language and Society: To study the language, it is very important to have the attempt to discover the relationship between the language and society and the secret which stands between them. Society is any group of people who are drawn together for a certain purpose or purposes and language is what the members of a particular society speak Wardhaugh (2010:1).it is noted from these definition that language and society is very close and can not be separated because language in this definition is related to society. The secret between language and society is what wardhaugh called the code, because people use this system which is the code to communicate through it. knowledge of language : knowledge of language is related to people who live in society. TODAY MOST LINGUISTS AGREE THAT THE KNOWLEDGE SPEAKERS HAVE OF THE LANGUAGEOR LANGUAGE THEY SPEAK IS KNOWLEDGE OF SOME THING QUITE ABSTRACT.IT IS AKNOWLEDGE OF RULES AND PRINCIPLES AND OF THE WAY OF SAYING AND DOING THINGS WITH SOUND SWORDS AND SENTENCES RATHER THAN JUST KNOWLEGDE OF SPECIFIC SONDS WORDS AND SENTENCES. IT IS KNOWING WHAT IS IN THE LG, AND WHAT IS NOT. IT IS KNOWING BOTH WHAT IS POSSIBLE TO SAY AND WHAT IS NOT POSSIBLE. THIS KNOWLEDGE EXPLAINS HOW IT IS WE CAN UNDERSTAND SENTENCES WE HAVE NOT HEARD BEFORE AND REJECT OTHERS AS BEING UNGRAMMATICAL.COMMUNICATION AMONG PEOPLE WHO SPEAK THE SAME LG, IS POSSIBLE BECAUSE THEY SHARE SUCH KNOWLEDGE (ibid).Pinker(2007) agreed with wardhaugh in this point. He states that the linguistics behaviour of undividuals cannot be understood without knowledge of the communicaties that they belong to.Moreover, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to.Moreover, there are several possible relationships between language and society. One is the social à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ zhidao_help.html# There are several possible relationships between language and society. One is that social à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ is the social structure may either influence or determine linguistic structure and behaviour.certain à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ is that social structure may either influence or determine linguistic structure and/or behavior. Certain à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ behaviour.certain evidence may adduced to support this view:the agegrading à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the agegrading phenomenon whereby young children speak differently from older children and in à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ age-grading phenomenon whereby young children speak differently from older chilÃÆ' °dren and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ from older children and in turn children speak differently from mature adults. Asecond possible à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ older chilÃÆ' °dren and, in turn, children speak differently from mature adults; studies which à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ . Asecond à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ adults. Asecond possible relationship is directly opposed to the first:linguistic structure and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ A second possible relationship is directly opposed to the first: linguistic strucÃÆ' °ture and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ structure and /or behaviour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ or behaviour may either influence or determine social structure this is the view that is behind the Whorfian hypothesis the claims of Bernstein and many of those who argue that languages rather than speakers of these languages can be sexist. Athird possible à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ or behavior may either influence or determine social structure. This is the view that is behind the Whorfian hypothesis, the claims of Bernstein, and many of those who argue that languages rather than speakers of these languages can be sexist. A third à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ . Athird à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ sexist. Athird possible relationship is that the influence is bi-directional:lg, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ A third possible relationship is that the influence is bi-directional: language and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ :lg, and society may influence each other.this view based on dittmars view. He argued à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ He argued that speech behaviour and social behaviour are in astate of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ p. 238) that speech behaviour and social behaviour are in a state à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ astate of constant interaction. It is notably, indeed from the the views have discussed above that knowledge of language desperately needs the knowledge of social context. Language and Dialects: Since society which people live in consists of different areas based on the geographical division, those people then who live in these areas could have somewhat a variety in their language. Hudson (1996:22) defined this variety as a set of linguistics items with similar distribution. This definition gives us the opportunity to consider: Canadian English, London English, the English of football commentaries and so on come under the term varieties which means dialect Wardhaugh (2010). A good example for dialect and its relationship to the social context is Gumperzs example (1971). He points out that everyday living in parts of india , particularly in the large cities and among educated segments of those communities, requires some complex choices involving the distinction between hindi and urdu: the conversational level the use of hindi and urdu forms is not simply amatter of birth and education but just as it is customary for individuals to alternate between dialect and standard depend ing on social occasion. On the other hand, the term dialect à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ term dialect also be used to describe differences in speech associated with various social group or classes. To define social à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ dialect can also be used to describe differences in speech associated with various social groups or classes. There are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ associated with various social group or classes. To define social group or social class giving proper weight to the various factors that can be used to determine social position e.g occupation, place of residence,education, income racial à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ immediate problem is that of defining social group or social class , giving proper weight to the various factors that can be used to determine social position, e.g., occupation, place of residence, education, new versus à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ , income racial or ethnic origin cultural background,cast, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Students Paper: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ background,cast, religion and so on.such factors as these do appear to be related fairly directly to how people speak Wardhaugh (2010 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ background, caste, religion, and so on. Such factors as these do appear to be related fairly directly to how people speak. There is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Wardhaugh (2010).he adds that there are some points which underlying the term dialect : Style: The study of dialects is further complicated by the fact that speakers can adopt different style of speaking. You can speak very formally or very informally, your choice being governed by circumstances. Ceremonial occasions almost invariably require very formal speech, public lectures somewhat less formal, casual conversation quite informal.we may try to relate the level of formalitychosen to avariety of factors: the kind of occasion, the various social, age and the other differences that exist between the participants. Register: Register is another complicating factor in any study of language varieties.registers are sets of language items associated with discrete occupation or social group.Hudson( 1996:46) indicates the difference between dialect and register your dialect shows who or what you are whilst your register shows what you are doing. Forexample , the kind of language of surgeons, airline pilots and so on. Wardhaugh (2010 ). Hence, it is important to note that wardhaugh and hudsons view agree that language and dialect closely related to the social context and can not be separated. Speech communities: Language is both an individual possession and social possession. therefore the certain individuals would behave linguistically like other individuals they might to speak the same language or the same dialect or the same variety i.e to employ the same code and in the respect to be members of the same speech community aterm probably derived from the German sprachgemeinschaft Wardhaugh (2010 ).Furthermore, if we focus on Bloomfields definition(1933:42)which is a speech community is agroup of people who interact by means of speech. We will find that Hymes (1974 in wardhaugh 2010) disagree with him in this point. He points out that is impossible to equate language and speech community when we lack aclear understanding of the nature of language. Moreover,he insists that speech communities cannot be defined soley through the use of linguistic criteria. It is agreed with Hymes ,because speech communities is not surrounded only by the linguistic perspective but the way speakers use language is very significant. Some thoughts against the relationship between the social context and the study of language: The view that the study of language can not be divorced from its social context is different from the perceptive of some writers who stand on the other side of this argument. According to Bernstein(1961) there are two distinct varieties of language in use in society.he calls one variety elaborated code ( formal code) and the other variety restricted code(public code). According to him these codes have very different characteristics. Forexample elaborated code makes use of accurate in the sense of standard grammatical order and syntax to regulate what is said that employ arrange of devices for conjuction and subordination and shows frequent use of the pronoun I.In contrast, restricted code employs short grammatically simple and often unfinished sentences of poor in the sense of nonstandard. Is rigid and limited in the use of adjectives and adverbs, makes infrequent use of impersonal pronoun subjects. He states that every speaker of the language has access to the restricted code becaus e all employ this code on certain occasions e.g it the language of intimacy between familiars.however, not all social classes have equal access to the elaborated code particularly lower working-class people and their children who are likely to have little experience with it.according to him, the consequences of this unequal distribution are considerable. In particular children from the lower working class are likely to find themselves at adisadvantage when they attend school in which extesive use is made of the elaborated code.therefore, there are serious consequences for children of the lowerworking class when they come to school beause elaborated code is the mediumof instruction in schooling. When schools attempt to develop in children the ability to manipulate this code they are really to involved in trying to change cultural patterns and such involvement may have profound social and psychological consequences for all engaged in the task. Educational failure is likely to result. This view might be true, but still has some limitation as Rosen( 1972 in Wardhaugh (2010 ) criticized Bernstein on the ground that he has not looked closely enough at working- class life and language and that many of the key terms in his work are quite inadequately defined e.g code, class, elaborated and so on. Many of the arguments also appear to be circular in nature and the hypotheses weak. On the other hand, another view against that the study of language and the social context cannot be divorced is what well known in the psycholinguistics domain by nativist theory. This is associated with Noam Chomsky who developed the theory that all humans are born with an innate capcity and knowledge system specifically desgined for language and language acquisition.under linguistic nativism anormally functioning human being is said to be born with universal grammar which aset of innate constrains on language that every unimpaired human brings to the task of language aquistion included princ iples that are invariate and apply to all natural human example of aprinciple is that all languages have abasic structural feature called aphrase (Vanpatten Benati 2010).this theory ignored that the interaction amongst individuals is positive in language learning.SLA theory needs to develop aconception of the language learner as having acomplex social identity that must be understood with reference to large and frequently inequitable social structures which are produce in day-to-day social interaction. In conclustion: List of plagiarised documents 6% 6% 6% 4% 1% 1% 1% 0% Master document text Introduction: Basically, in any scientific study there are some views and ideas which possess different or similar forms about a particular phenomenon. Linguistics which is known as the scientific study of language is not exception. First of all, if we start with the phrase (the study of language) we will find that it is very important in this discussion to analyze what this phrase mean. Particularly, by dividing it into two words the study and the language. We will find that language according to Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (2008) means a system of communication consisting of sounds, words and grammar, or the system of communication used by a particular country or profession. While the study means the examination of subject in detail in order to discover new information. Subsequently, it could be said that the study of language is considered as a wide subject related to different aspects amongst is the social context which also can be divided into two words social which means activitie s in which you meet and spend time with other people and context which is defined as the text or speech that comes immediately before and after a particular phrase or piece of text and helps to explain its meaning. Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (2008). Hence, there seems a relationship between the study of language and the social context according to the view of some writers in linguistics domain. This view is that the study of language can not be divorced or separated from its social context. On the other side, some writers tend to be against this view. It seems, therefore, that the argument about the study of language can not be divorced from its social context tends to be a controversial issue. This essay will shed light on this argument by discussing this view on one hand and the other view on the other hand. Language and Society: To study the language, it is very important to have the attempt to discover the relationship between the language and society and the secret which stands between them. Society is any group of people who are drawn together for a certain purpose or purposes and language is what the members of a particular society speak Wardhaugh (2010:1).it is noted from these definition that language and society is very close and can not be separated because language in this definition is related to society. The secret between language and society is what wardhaugh called the code, because people use this system which is the code to communicate through it. knowledge of language : knowledge of language is related to people who live in society. TODAY MOST LINGUISTS AGREE THAT THE KNOWLEDGE SPEAKERS HAVE OF THE LANGUAGEOR LANGUAGE THEY SPEAK IS KNOWLEDGE OF SOME THING QUITE ABSTRACT.IT IS AKNOWLEDGE OF RULES AND PRINCIPLES AND OF THE WAY OF SAYING AND DOING THINGS WITH SOUND SWORDS AND SENTENCES RATHER THAN JUST KNOWLEGDE OF SPECIFIC SONDS WORDS AND SENTENCES. IT IS KNOWING WHAT IS IN THE LG, AND WHAT IS NOT. IT IS KNOWING BOTH WHAT IS POSSIBLE TO SAY AND WHAT IS NOT POSSIBLE. THIS KNOWLEDGE EXPLAINS HOW IT IS WE CAN UNDERSTAND SENTENCES WE HAVE NOT HEARD BEFORE AND REJECT OTHERS AS BEING UNGRAMMATICAL.COMMUNICATION AMONG PEOPLE WHO SPEAK THE SAME LG, IS POSSIBLE BECAUSE THEY SHARE SUCH KNOWLEDGE (ibid).Pinker(2007) agreed with wardhaugh in this point. He states that the linguistics behaviour of undividuals cannot be understood without knowledge of the communicaties that they belong to.Moreover, there are several possible relationships between language and society. One is the social structure may either influence or determi ne linguistic structure and behaviour.certain evidence may adduced to support this view:the agegrading phenomenon whereby young children speak differently from older children and in turn children speak differently from mature adults. Asecond possible relationship is directly opposed to the first:linguistic structure and /or behaviour may either influence or determine social structure this is the view that is behind the Whorfian hypothesis the claims of Bernstein and many of those who argue that languages rather than speakers of these languages can be sexist. Athird possible relationship is that the influence is bi-directional:lg, and society may influence each other.this view based on dittmars view. He argued that speech behaviour and social behaviour are in astate of constant interaction. It is notably, indeed from the the views have discussed above that knowledge of language desperately needs the knowledge of social context. Language and Dialects: Since society which people live in consists of different areas based on the geographical division, those people then who live in these areas could have somewhat a variety in their language. Hudson (1996:22) defined this variety as a set of linguistics items with similar distribution. This definition gives us the opportunity to consider: Canadian English, London English, the English of football commentaries and so on come under the term varieties which means dialect Wardhaugh (2010). A good example for dialect and its relationship to the social context is Gumperzs example (1971). He points out that everyday living in parts of india , particularly in the large cities and among educated segments of those communities, requires some complex choices involving the distinction between hindi and urdu: the conversational level the use of hindi and urdu forms is not simply amatter of birth and education but just as it is customary for individuals to alternate between dialect and standard depend ing on social occasion. On the other hand, the term dialect also be used to describe differences in speech associated with various social group or classes. To define social group or social class giving proper weight to the various factors that can be used to determine social position e.g occupation, place of residence,education, income racial or ethnic origin cultural background,cast, religion and so on.such factors as these do appear to be related fairly directly to how people speak Wardhaugh (2010).he adds that there are some points which underlying the term dialect : Style: The study of dialects is further complicated by the fact that speakers can adopt different style of speaking. You can speak very formally or very informally, your choice being governed by circumstances. Ceremonial occasions almost invariably require very formal speech, public lectures somewhat less formal, casual conversation quite informal.we may try to relate the level of formalitychosen to avariety of factors: the kind of occasion, the various social, age and the other differences that exist between the participants. Register: Register is another complicating factor in any study of language varieties.registers are sets of language items associated with discrete occupation or social group.Hudson( 1996:46) indicates the difference between dialect and register your dialect shows who or what you are whilst your register shows what you are doing. Forexample , the kind of language of surgeons, airline pilots and so on. Wardhaugh (2010 ). Hence, it is important to note that wardhaugh and hudsons view agree that language and dialect closely related to the social context and can not be separated. Speech communities: Language is both an individual possession and social possession. therefore the certain individuals would behave linguistically like other individuals they might to speak the same language or the same dialect or the same variety i.e to employ the same code and in the respect to be members of the same speech community aterm probably derived from the German sprachgemeinschaft Wardhaugh (2010 ).Furthermore, if we focus on Bloomfields definition(1933:42)which is a speech community is agroup of people who interact by means of speech. We will find that Hymes (1974 in wardhaugh 2010) disagree with him in this point. He points out that is impossible to equate language and speech community when we lack aclear understanding of the nature of language. Moreover,he insists that speech communities cannot be defined soley through the use of linguistic criteria. It is agreed with Hymes ,because speech communities is not surrounded only by the linguistic perspective but the way speakers use language is very significant. Some thoughts against the relationship between the social context and the study of language: The view that the study of language can not be divorced from its social context is different from the perceptive of some writers who stand on the other side of this argument. According to Bernstein(1961) there are two distinct varieties of language in use in society.he calls one variety elaborated code ( formal code) and the other variety restricted code(public code). According to him these codes have very different characteristics. Forexample elaborated code makes use of accurate in the sense of standard grammatical order and syntax to regulate what is said that employ arrange of devices for conjuction and subordination and shows frequent use of the pronoun I.In contrast, restricted code employs short grammatically simple and often unfinished sentences of poor in the sense of nonstandard. Is rigid and limited in the use of adjectives and adverbs, makes infrequent use of impersonal pronoun subjects. He states that every speaker of the language has access to the restricted code becaus e all employ this code on certain occasions e.g it the language of intimacy between familiars.however, not all social classes have equal access to the elaborated code particularly lower working-class people and their children who are likely to have little experience with it.according to him, the consequences of this unequal distribution are considerable. In particular children from the lower working class are likely to find themselves at adisadvantage when they attend school in which extesive use is made of the elaborated code.therefore, there are serious consequences for children of the lowerworking class when they come to school beause elaborated code is the mediumof instruction in schooling. When schools attempt to develop in children the ability to manipulate this code they are really to involved in trying to change cultural patterns and such involvement may have profound social and psychological consequences for all engaged in the task. Educational failure is likely to result. This view might be true, but still has some limitation as Rosen( 1972 in Wardhaugh (2010 ) criticized Bernstein on the ground that he has not looked closely enough at working- class life and language and that many of the key terms in his work are quite inadequately defined e.g code, class, elaborated and so on. Many of the arguments also appear to be circular in nature and the hypotheses weak. On the other hand, another view against that the study of language and the social context cannot be divorced is what well known in the psycholinguistics domain by nativist theory. This is associated with Noam Chomsky who developed the theory that all humans are born with an innate capcity and knowledge system specifically desgined for language and language acquisition.under linguistic nativism anormally functioning human being is said to be born with universal grammar which aset of innate constrains on language that every unimpaired human brings to the task of language aquistion included princ iples that are invariate and apply to all natural human example of aprinciple is that all languages have abasic structural feature called aphrase (Vanpatten Benati 2010).this theory ignored that the interaction amongst individuals is positive in language learning.SLA theory needs to develop aconception of the language learner as having acomplex social identity that must be understood with reference to large and frequently inequitable social structures which are produce in day-to-day social interaction. In conclustion:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Louis XIV Essay -- France French King Louis XIV Essays

Louis XIV After being ruled by a prime minister for so long, France needed some changes. That is exactly what Louis the XIV would bring to France. In an age of separation, Louis wanted to start a unification process. He started this by giving himself sole power and also only having one religion for the country. The king is always the center of attention good or bad. Louis was prepared to take the good with the bad, and handled it well. He emphasized the king as the center of attention. While some see him as egotistical and greedy, Louis was one king who knew how to make improvements. At four years and eight months, Louis XIV became King. His mother, Anne of Austria, ruled until he could take the throne, but it wasn’t until Louis came to power that France began making improvements. Louis made some powerful moves during his reign; one of them was to nullify the Edict of Nantes. He did this to re-establish Catholicism in France (Europe). While there was opposition, the decision went over well because most of France was catholic at the time. Louis also ruled as an absolute monarch (no prime minister), which has not been done for a while. This was a big step because he was taking all of the power and giving it to himself. Also under King Louis’ rule industry and commerce flourished. This came with the help of his counselors. It was at this time that art and literature began to flourish as well. During this period literature and art were made to flatter the King, which is another reason Louis encouraged them. Overall, art, literatur e, war and statesmanship ranked highest when Louis was in power. It can be argued that Louis was not good for France because of his spending... ...o be treated as such. This was a good analogy for the time. Kings are the center of the kingdom and, by making the court respect that Louis made them realize that the king needs respect. It is a good idea because then the king does get the respect that he deserves. Louis the XIV had a commanding presence and used it wisely. In a time of great separation Louis began to try unifying France. While he did have a few faults, his positive change helped France more than any other king could have at that time. Those who feel his few faults are enough to call him a bad king are dwelling on such minor issues and should look at his overall influence on the country. Under his rule, France ranked highest among art, literature, war and statesmanship. Louis XIV had plenty of skill, which is why he was able to bring such great qualities all at once to France.

Minimum Wage Isnt A Living Wage :: Minimum Wage Essays

Reasons for Minimum Wage Worker’s Tough Lives In 1938, federal minimum wage legislation became effective for the first time when the Fair Labor Standards Act passed (Sidey 573). After sixty-seven years, today, the minimum wage, which was originally set to make sure that working people could support themselves and their family, increased twenty times (Sidey 573). Nevertheless, the low-wage workers have never gotten rid of the hardship in their lives. Two main reasons cause the current situation. The increasing renting prices and the increasing rate of health care, which exceeds low-wage workers’ real income by quite a lot, make their lives tough all the time. Minimum wage, the smallest amount of money per hour that an employer may legally pay a worker, became a part of state law in Massachusetts in 1912 (Sidey 573). After 14 other states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico set similar laws in America, the first federal minimum wage legislation became valid. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 â€Å"firmly established the federal government as a regulator of wages in the United States by establishing a minimum hourly wage for all employees engaged in interstate commerce or in the production of goods for interstate commerce† (Huckshorn 167). Based on 2004’s Current Population Survey of America, today two million workers earn at or below minimum wage out of 73.9 million American workers who are paid at hourly rates (Characteristics). In 1996, the minimum wage raised to $5.15 per hour. Some people argue that this federal legislation helped low-wage workers a lot. Nevertheless, low-wage people are still suffering from hardship because of the big gap between their incomes and expenditures. In 1998, the minimum-wage was â€Å"$2,500 below the poverty line for a three-person family† if a worker works 40 hours a week without vacations (Rothman). The minimum wage should be $6.24 to maintain the same average purchasing power in 1998 as â€Å"it averaged in the 1970s† (Rothman). Up until 2005, in California, nearly 16 percent of Californian low-paid workers live below the poverty line according to a study of State Industrial Welfare Commission of California (Garcoa). These figures and examples denied the argument that this federal legislation helped low-wage workers’ lives. Two main reasons cause the big gap between minimum-workers’ real income and basic living requirements, the persistent increasing of the rental price and health premiums. The first reason for hardship concerns the high rental prices in America

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Generations: Probity in Photojournalism :: essays research papers

GENERATIONS: PROBITY IN PHOTOJOURNALISM? With the existence of first-rate technology, depletion of society moral standards, and ethics for sale on the street corners, has the general public lost the original intent of a photograph? For photojournalists Wally and Win Mcnamee, a father and son who are well known and respected in the photojournalism field, probity reaches out through their photos with the presence of its’ own soul. Elizabeth Anstead, the author of the article, was all too convinced of this fact trying to expose an alter ego in photojournalism. The alter ego, that is all too often overshadowed by those of poor taste and more so as time goes by, receives the respect and glory that she surmises as overdue. Modern photographers tend to chase personal success, in turn placing a cover over the original story that a photograph portrays. A sigh of relief can be taken after reading her article, for it emphasizes the points that should be held of high importance in the area of â€Å"still memory†. She denu ded the layers, empathizing with Wally and Win both; disclosing to the surface the passion they have for their profession directly out of their hearts and highly noted work, interpreting both factors into words. â€Å"They [editors] think that ‘fiddling’ with images is like wordsmithing, but it’s not the same†¦ I see this as one of the single biggest dangers to the integrity of photojournalism. People rely on us to present the story as it really happened. This is not fashion photography or the movies-- if things don’t look the way you want them too, then it’s the rub of the green!† stated Wally Win when asked about the â€Å"digital revolution†. As Elizabeth Anstead transits from the father to son, it is obvious the reiteration of views and standards written for both generations, the only difference appearing had been the use of higher technology. This proving that the honesty and intent behind a photo is only as pure as the photo grapher. The collaboration of Wally and Win McNamee offers a unique perspective to photojournalism, providing an unchanging view on changing times. â€Å"I wanted to know what it was that made my father the way he is†¦ The internal strength and integrity that he has†¦ I wanted to see if I could bring that out in myself. I wanted to do something that would make him proud of me.† Win Mcnamee stated while speaking on the idolism he has for his father. Generations: Probity in Photojournalism :: essays research papers GENERATIONS: PROBITY IN PHOTOJOURNALISM? With the existence of first-rate technology, depletion of society moral standards, and ethics for sale on the street corners, has the general public lost the original intent of a photograph? For photojournalists Wally and Win Mcnamee, a father and son who are well known and respected in the photojournalism field, probity reaches out through their photos with the presence of its’ own soul. Elizabeth Anstead, the author of the article, was all too convinced of this fact trying to expose an alter ego in photojournalism. The alter ego, that is all too often overshadowed by those of poor taste and more so as time goes by, receives the respect and glory that she surmises as overdue. Modern photographers tend to chase personal success, in turn placing a cover over the original story that a photograph portrays. A sigh of relief can be taken after reading her article, for it emphasizes the points that should be held of high importance in the area of â€Å"still memory†. She denu ded the layers, empathizing with Wally and Win both; disclosing to the surface the passion they have for their profession directly out of their hearts and highly noted work, interpreting both factors into words. â€Å"They [editors] think that ‘fiddling’ with images is like wordsmithing, but it’s not the same†¦ I see this as one of the single biggest dangers to the integrity of photojournalism. People rely on us to present the story as it really happened. This is not fashion photography or the movies-- if things don’t look the way you want them too, then it’s the rub of the green!† stated Wally Win when asked about the â€Å"digital revolution†. As Elizabeth Anstead transits from the father to son, it is obvious the reiteration of views and standards written for both generations, the only difference appearing had been the use of higher technology. This proving that the honesty and intent behind a photo is only as pure as the photo grapher. The collaboration of Wally and Win McNamee offers a unique perspective to photojournalism, providing an unchanging view on changing times. â€Å"I wanted to know what it was that made my father the way he is†¦ The internal strength and integrity that he has†¦ I wanted to see if I could bring that out in myself. I wanted to do something that would make him proud of me.† Win Mcnamee stated while speaking on the idolism he has for his father.